Solutions for Textile Formulations
Solutions for Textile Formulations
Chemical intermediates are used in the textile industry to provide the following specific functions. Glyoxal (40%) is used as a cross-linking agent or building block for crosslinker providing softer and less wrinkled textiles. Different inorganic chemicals are used in the textile industry providing a wide range of specific functions. Aluminium Chloride anhydrous (AlCl3) is used for carbonizing wool while Sodium Nitrite solution 40% (NaNO2) is used for diazotization, oxidation of colourings and prints containing leuco-vat dyestuffs, to protect against excessive reduction when colouring and printing using certain vat dyes and to accelerate oxidation of vat dyes which are difficult to reoxidize. Sodium Metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) supports cleaning and bleaching wool, jute and other vegetable fibres while Sodium Sulfite (Na2SO3) serves as antichlor after treatment with chlorine or with compounds which contain active chlorine. Hydrosulfite (E / EN / F) is a reducing agent for vat dyes and used for the reductive clearing of dyeings and for stripping of partial stripping of dyeings and prints produced with vat, direct and reactive dyes on cellulosic fibres. Sodium Sulfite (Na2SO3) is used for different purposes in the manufactured fibre industry such as solubilizing the raw materials, as addition to coagulant baths, for bleaching and for removing sulfur from the yarn.